“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”
C. S. Lewis
Integrity is foundational to good management. Being who we say we are and doing what we say we will do goes a long way towards winning the trust and loyalty of those who work for us or do business with us.
The essence of integrity is that we are true to our values and reflect them in whatever we do. Values such as being honest, trustworthy, considerate, truthful and accountable to others, to name a few. Easier said than done – none of us is perfect (certainly not me!) – but having integrity means that we are willing to admit mistakes and hopefully do better next time.
A few tips:
Give credit where it’s due
Keep your promises
Only promise what you can deliver
Take responsibility when things go wrong
Most of us will do anything for someone we respect and trust – as long as they’re not asking us to compromise our integrity, that is!